Wednesday, May 30, 2007

1 Chronicles

So I was reading through 1 Chronicles today. The first three chapter isn't exactly the most engaging of passages. Massively list of names. Got to the point where I can't identify who was who and amused myself by attempting to pronounce the Kings of Judah. Suddenly, random, there's this passage in the middle of the list of names...

Jabez. Who is this Jabez?! I doubled idea where he came from.

Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. - 1 Chronicles 4.9-10

This kind of reminds me of that random random chunk in Genesis as well. Enoch.

When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. - Genesis 5.20-24


Hum. Other parts of First Chronicles are pretty random too...a random spurt of "mighty warriors!" (Ch 5). Hey, Joshua is a Ephraim...Joseph's house (1 Chron 7.27b)...okok enough commentaries...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Clear skys

You know those days where the weather is so fine...and you really don't want to do anything...and the sky is clear and you just want to whip out a lawn chair or something...and just watch the stars till you fall asleep? Tonight is one of those nights. Alas...I should do some work...

I'm almost done reading Wild at Heart. I think, the single biggest thing I'm getting out of it is that...we were design to fight for something. Men were designed to battle. To come through in a pinch. To defend things.

The concept of the Knight (Old English roots..."servant") is the same everywhere. In Japan, the Samurai (Japanese...also "to serve")...the knight's code of chivalry (as well as the Samurai's bushido) could read about specifics on wikipedia I guess. Merciful. Humble. Courteous. Brave. Loyal. Follower of God. The knight was a Christian me a little boy, but that's a pretty powerful image.

Sigh...I know where I want to be. I know who I want to stand with. I know what I want to defend. But just like I should be working, instead of fall asleep under the stars, I should be doing some studying, instead of dreaming about a world beyond my own...

Friday, May 25, 2007

CC - Unity

I've been thinking about unity for a long time now. Ever since I found out there was other CCFs on other campuses last summer term. Has it really been a year already? wow...

One of the things I regret the most about CC is that I hung out mostly with my Western and Waterloo friends. Winter Retreats tend to have those..."lets meet and get ot know as much people as I can in the next three days" feel. Campus Challenge...the schedule was so packed, it's so easy to stick with the people you DO know. And thus I didn't benefit in that direction as I had hoped...meeting more people from other A/CCFs.

I vaguely remember one of the other fellowships saying to the rest of us..."we need you". It's like...just like a younger brother is lead by an older one (somewhere in Romans...), a more "mature" fellowship can be an encouragement to "younger" ones. CC reminded me of my want to see unity...

I dunno. When my plans for Western was solidified, I kept on thinking of how cool it would be if we had a joint Retreat. Just so I didn't have to pick between the two campuses. Logistically, that would be so hard...especially if typical retreat numbers (80+ per fellowship?) shows up. 160 people. Where are we gonna stick 160 people? That's almost CC...

But even closer to home...I was talking to my roommate who goes to cCCF. Apparently they didn't even KNOW about CC. eCCF, as the dominant division of CCF on campus, have to be the first to reach out and connect with the other CCFs around. mCCF. cCCF. I'd even include LCCF, though I dunno if they're active this term.

I remember thinking about ACF and how they chose their focus. Ideally, they're at a far better spot then we are. ACFers attend several churchs (I regular LCAC and WLAC, the two Alliance churches in town), but there's at least 3 other churchs that other ACFers attend. They have 3 councilers, 2 which are always there (well. They'll be gone for next year, but...). Their focus on Friday nights (even prayer meetings, sometimes) typically have been on the spiritual side of Christianity. This is possible because collectively, they have a wide knowledge pool. Information from 5 churches, 3 dedicated councilers. Collectively. How often these informations are shared...well. That's totally up to debate. The thing is...ACF, being more inwardly focused, have members who seek each other out on a regular basis to perform discussion. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really see that happening at Outside of Committee. Outside of Men Cell. Outside of Our Weekly Rice. What information we DO have is not exchanged well. lol...that sparked something in my Communications brain. What to do, what to do...

Right. Unity. So if ACF can be seen as an unity of 5 different churchs...can we treat the 4 CCF divisions in Waterloo as a unity of 4 CCFs? I've attended mCCF before. They have quite a different feel than we do at eCCF. I would assume the same at cCCF and LCCF...and how much of that knowledge pool are we sharing? It's not like Western and Waterloo, where we're an hr and a half away from each other...all 4 of these CCFs were once ONE fellowship! Yet...people did not know about recent conferences. cCCF didn't know about CC. We had no one attending CC from these two fellowships.

I suppose, with my Western ACF connections (I know Herman has random connections...Derek Yau has Queens CCF connections), I want to do something with it. God sent me all this for a reason. I seriously have tons of resources at my finger tips. Be a good steward of my talent, said Jesus.

The real question now is...what to do. What to do...what to do...what to do...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

CC - UWO reflections

A few things I want to blog about, except for I don't have the time to just sit down and just go at it. School's not gonna get any easier anytime soon...

Unity. Preserverence. Risktaking. Overcoming. A handful of stuffs. Many thoughts surrounding CC.

Left Waterloo on Friday, at 3pm. Got back into bed at Tuesday, 3am. It was a long trip, but not unrewarding. Will slowly write about things as I have time.

I've had the chance to share this a few times already, but...I want to write about it anyway. It had to do with inter-campus prayer time on Monday morning. The fellowship confession and sendoff. It just so happens that Western Ontario was the university that Waterloo got to pray for. When Yuling asked for a representative from Waterloo to come forth from Waterloo, (and I so should've expected this) I hear my name (For those of you who weren't at CC, random Jon Lin chants happened at CC...-_-).

I really, really don't like stagework. I don't like public prayers (tho this one is getting better). Put the two together, I normally would've whinned like no tomorrow to avoid going on stage. But I went...with surprisingly little amount of complaint...

I think, I was really happy I was able to do that. The members of Western ACF joke around alot, and I've more or less tuned out (tried to -_-) all the Jon Lin chants I got throughout the weekend...but to be the first name to come to mind in a situation like this? It was quite an honour, to be able to lift the fellowship that I attended during my short 4 mth there...and to be truly considered one of them.

After I sat down, I wasn't really able to concentrate on the prayers of the other mind jumped through a few random events from last term...

- Enoch handing me his NKJV; the morning I got an email from UWCCF for appointment and left my Bible at home. Wanting a Bible to encourage myself with, I ran up to Taylor, in hopes that someone would be there. "It's always good to have a spare sword," was what he said to me when he told me to hold onto it for the day.

- Jon Tong, for his grad video clip: "Remember, now that I'm leaving, there will always be someone outside of Western, outside of London, who cares about you. So finally, there will always be questions, but others who are asking the same ones. So keep growing in the knowledge of God. God bless, and I love you all very much."

A handful more...
- 4AM dance by Loey and Pris, on Peanut butter and jam
- Walking to school to watch volleyball
- Feeling good cuz I got to school before the next Dundas bus came
- Random bakings
- Coffeehouse (I think I gained from this event more than I think...)
- Taylor (lol. How can I forget Taylor?)


Though, the thing that's coming to mind now is...I'm still at 28/40 for Lent. Not even close on finishing. Oyyy...dunno if I can complete it...

Standing at a funny place. A guy of two worlds, of London and Waterloo. It was fun though. Watching these two homes come together...though, I really wished it could've lasted longer. CC was way too short.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Love = God

So I found myself dosing off at DC library, like usual, while trying to finish my E241 assignment. Got some random thoughts during that process that I though I should record.

I feel that the general public uses certain words to the point that the word no longer means what it was suppose to. "Love"...I shake my head everytime someone says "I love you" to someone else carelessly...

Alright. We'll see if this make sense...

You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. - Exodus 20.7

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. - 1 John 4:8

Sounds awfully like...don't misuse "love" either... maybe this is major extrapolation on my part.

Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. - James 3.4-5

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Creating Chances

Strangely, one of the things I took with me from ACF is random shouting. I think it's a Summit thing. There seems to be a dude in every house. House 4 is Simon. House 16...well. Pretty much the whole house (though DLo was the first to come to mind). House 52...not there often enough to know (Eldon is pretty much the only person I know there). And now one guy in Waterloo West.

For a while, since I got back, I would search for oppotunties to utilize Summit's number one phrase: TOO EASY! Not a common thing to do when you get tripped up almost immedately with tons of work. And I suppose I did head into this term fairly offguard. I find myself jumping blog to blog, of random ACF peoples today (don't know too much CCFers that blog regularly...). Reading their recent happenings in the month of May. The lessons learned. Laughing at people I'm familiar with. Nodding at the insight. Smiling when people reflect, because I can reflect on the same events too.

But back to the shouting thing. I think, sometimes I get really impatient. "Let me go and pwn some situation good," I'd think. But I just managed to catch can I explain this...

In high school, I was among the people who choose to take all three sciences. Just keepin my options open. Popular thought among many of the more academic types (read: IB nerds). Yet I've much as I want to think I'm the one keeping my doors open, it's not really me. It's Him.

I didn't even consider Waterloo when I first applied to university. UAlberta was actually my first choice. How could I have opened a door that I didn't know existed? I knew about CCF for a long time in 1A, but set in my mind that I would not attend fellowship. That I didn't need this whole God business. How would I have known to step through the doors of CCF if I walked in MC that time if I had that mentality? I said, okay, I'll lay down low and just power through school. Get my degree and I'm outta here. I've give this CCF thing a shot, but all You're gettin from me is my Friday nights. How would I have known to keep any doors open with that attitude?

You can't open a door that you didn't know exists. But you can still walk through it. That's cuz He opened it already, even if you didn't.

But ah. The Ultimate Gift, Christ on the cross. It is understood that Christianity is a choice. People can "explore" religion to find what sounds good. Sure, it's a choice. But the Dude that opened the door still isn't you. It's all Him. It's all choices. But the degrees of freedom were never in your hands...I'll stop here, since I really don't know enough about Free will vs predestination to start a thing. lol

All the doors I thought to keep open...keeping an interest in Biology ended up leading me to look into Biomedical Engineering. Which eventually led me to London's ACF, where I gain friends and blog addresses. Which, by reading them, helped me reach the conclusions I've just described.

Could I have thought of that back in gr 11, when I bubbled in BIO30 into my course preference sheet? Not a chance. God opens doors. God MAKES doors. Sometimes we're led through them. Sometimes it's just there, waiting for us. Sometimes we're even pushed. Ha... but be assured. For it would be God's doors that we're facing.

Totally random sidenote. You really want to know how beast (ah. A nice CCF word. lol) God is? Go flip open a Human Physiology textbook. Over 8 hours of reading and I'm nowhere near done a single topic. Hows that for God's ownageness? For me, it's takin a while to learn all this bio, and if it wasn't for my ACF friends explaining to me synapses and whatnot, I'd gotten owned on my BIOL273DE assignment 1... But for God, it was His masterpiece. Easy.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. - Genesis 1.31a

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Funny. The first time I can post for the next little while, I'd be whinning about things...I suppose it is good to be home. To be with people I haven't seen for a while. Serving my fellowship as a Committee member. Yet...

It would seem that...over the months that I was on co-op, absorbing the culture of ACF, CCF seems to have gotten...smaller. Less familiar. Sure, many of the same brothers are still around. The relentless hand of graduation hasn't pushed them all to the outside world yet. But...

I suppose, this is just a continuation of the growing up process. Having more and more things to do, with less and less people to confide in. And if it's difficult for me, who's got people watching my much harder is it for others...

I've been reading "Wild at Heart" by ... some guy. Can't seem to find the book right now. But the book basically revolves around men are design and built to fight and get through situations in a pinch. Except for Adam did not stop Eve at the Fall, and instead of us fighting for the ultimate Beauty (God), we're fighting for the next best thing (Daughters of Eve), and thus, being misfocused and misaligned, we get totally GGed. Know what you're fighting for.

Maybe I'm not putting enough effort. But my dream seems so much further away and so much more difficult to attain then when I nursed it back in Winter term...

Maybe it's the whole getting adjusted to things. Maybe it's the additional responsiblities for all the stuff I've gotta do and think about. Maybe it's the heavy academic load. I dunno. Maybe it's just an upper year thing. Stupid second-year blues.

Need to strengthen them foundations. Times like this, there really is only one thing to do...and that's getting back to the basics...

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soula nd with all your mind and with all your strength. - Mark 12.30

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Back to campus

And so the term has started. Been busy. Somehow, doing Comm, EE, house stuffs and just trying to keep a hold on people has sucked away all my time. And it's about to get busier ...

I think, I'm simply letting the sheer volume get to me. I'm trying to figure out if that passage I read was a blessing or not... whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you... - 1 Samuel 10.7

This happens after Samuel anoints Saul king. The next major interaction between Samuel and Saul after Saul became king is 1 Samuel 13, when Saul gets impatient and performs the sacrifice that Samuel was suppose to. But Samuel never really tells Saul what to do as king. whatever, cuz God is watching.

I dunno. Given a free hand is more difficult then I first thought it would be. Sigh...too much to do, and I seem to be getting better at wasting time -_-