Monday, September 24, 2007

Childlike faith

So I was wandering around outside the room, waiting for practice to start. I walked into the room beside ours, to see what's going on, cuz they were running around, making quite a bit of noise. Some kids were in there, having lunch. Apparently they were all part of Puppets, and were waiting for their practice to start too. I started talking to one of them (the only one I knew, out of what...7 that was there?) ... I guess, because one of them knew me, two others started talking to me as well. Eventually, this little 5 year old boy came up to me. He held out his arms. Not knowing what he wanted, I kneeled down to his height. One of the girls said he wants to be picked I picked him up. Walked around a bit...he started squirming, so I put him back down again (in the midst of that girl saying, oh, he might throw up -_-)

I didn't realize what was demonstrated to me until much later. That room composed of 7 kids and me. Only one of them actually knew who I was. Yet without any effort on my part, I interacted with three of the kids with 5 minutes of being in that room. They trusted enough to let me pick them up...or randomly chat...etc. I was telling this story to a kindergarten teacher friend of mine...when I suddenly realized the significance of what I saw.

Childlike faith.

To trust in their friends (me knowing one of them). To trust in their parents (one of their mum was in the room when I came in, but walked out later..."trusting" me with them, thus implicitly the kids trusted me...does that make sense? lol). To trust in God (they were there to serve, after all).

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
- Mark 10.14b-15 (NIV)

I think I have a little too much baggage to pull off the equalivent of what that 5 year old did. And I suppose really, this wasn't a new lesson. I knew very well I'm called to have that trust in my friends and family (cuz God gave them to me, and we're all one body in Him), and more important, in God Himself. Really, I was reminded of this when I was preparing for VBS this summer. But that time, the person giving the lesson was my age.

Funny how much you can learn from a 5 year old kid. With one simple gesture, I was told very simply...I'm not there yet.

1 comment:

Claire 克萊兒 said...

If you asked me a year ago whether I like to play with children, I would definitely say no. But now, I find myself more drawn towards kids because they are just so innocent, and I learn a lot of precious things from them. Thanks for sharing this post. It's an encouragement to remind myself to have a childlike faith.