In university, I took PSYCH101, Introductions to Psychology. There, we learned a mentality known as "groupthink", or the generalized "herd behaviour", where it was observed that 2 brains doesn't necessarily mean it's better than one. With things like Bystander effect, Asch's conformism and Milgrim's obedience at full swing, the "collective intelligence" mutes the voice of the individual.
This behaviour of blindly "following the leader" has caused many problems in the past...but also also been used to achieve great things. With this context established...I have a confession to make.
I am a member of a mob. The name of this mob is CCF. In times of intrafellowship conflict, I fall into the appropriate "correct" side, fighting endlessly over minor issues, whipping out my shiny biblical swords and destroy the shields of the dissidents. On group decisions and program directions, I stand eagerly for the best Christian sounding stuffs, and even openly participated in such behaviours such as prayer meetings and bible studies. God, Bible, Prayer. Great. Lets do it.
As older member graduate, myself and my year have ascended to leadership roles, effectively controlling this group. Over the years, we have learned to do what sounds best, and have begun to lose our original mission. The Bible, what once was an absolute article, is now referred to less and less as other, more sensational activities are suggested. It is now a textbook to be read from, used effectively as stated in 2 Timothy 3 to uphold perceived beliefs. In fact, I'll quote 2 Timothy right now:
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
- 2 Timothy 3.16-17 (NIV)
All is not lost, however. As time goes on, members of this mob have realized what has befallen them, and have taken upon themselves to return to the root of things. It is not the "educated" I am saying these things to.
As someone who have been far from the comfortable confines of the University of Waterloo Chinese Christian Fellowship, I'm effectively a one-man mob. Cut off from my sources, I could do little. This fact has lead me to question...if Christianity is merely a group mentality, a collective community...what is it outside of Waterloo? Where we don't have scores of like minded people, spurring us onward? Where I can't walk into SLC and expect someone to have saved a seat for me? Or able to just stroll into someone else's house, looking for a latenight chat or the answer to my latest theological crisis?
For those of you who have recently spoken with me, I've said over and over...this term, it felt like I've done much in His name, but not necessarily for Him. Indeed, serving in the Choir, attending fellowship...all these were because they seemed like the right thing to do. When met with difficulties, in particular, having to speak to Christians and non-Christians alike with non-bibical terms...the sense of security comes crashing down. I no longer can relentlessly beat down dissidents with "absolute truth", I must now adapt to their language, and reach them on their terms.
This was not meant to be an attack on the establishment. I call CCF my home. This was more of a CC last year, I heard about the concept of the "empty lighthouse", where the original missions of the campus christian fellowships, naming to learn and to grow, and to reach out, are losing their original purposes, and are utilizing "new and innovative" ways to achieve its mandate, ignoring the fact that we ourselves are not able to answer more, once we bring them in. Judge for yourself. When was the last time you've thought hard at a CCF event (I know at least one ex-PC is reading this...not an attack against the programs =P)? When's the last time you believe in prayer? Think back the last time you held the door open for someone you didn't know...then ask yourself this popular saying: WWJD?
If your answer to that was "shove 50 pounds of theology down the person's throat", I'd suggest you try again. To the best of my recall, and correct me if I'm wrong, Christ did not force anyone to believe His words. CCF's winter theme verse is this:
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
- Revelation 3:20 (NIV)
I won't ask you if you've been knocking. I'll ask you know how to open the door? And do you know the Person who is knocking? I'm sorry Lord, for the things I've made this. It's quite true, in unity we stand. I'm all for unity, as I consider myself a member of two different fellowships. But even when we're united, we're not strong...imagine how weak we are when we are divided...
There comes a point where no theological theory will help you. When you are standing at a place, where there is no CCF leader to tell you to check out some said passage and defend yourself with it...I've blasted the situation pretty hard, and I'm guilty of all these too. I didn't memorize those verses or know their context. I've just read them before and they sound like they fit here. I'll sign off with this thought...
Faith comes from God. But to approach God, one needs faith. What's the answer to this chicken-and-egg situation? I don't know, and don't tell me if you do, because there's no one magic way to interact with God. Just as I speak to everyone a little differently, God will speak with everyone a little differently. No church or fellowship can truly hand you an answer. To be a Christian, you must be a Christ follower. Everything else...the seat saving, the door opening, the fellowship parties, the Bible studies, the prayer meetings...have no meaning until you understand that. Do tell me if you're there...because every Christian is instrumental to bring the "Christians" to Christ.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
There comes a point where no theological theory will help you. When you are standing at a place, where there is no CCF leader to tell you to check out some said passage and defend yourself with it...I've blasted the situation pretty hard, and I'm guilty of all these too. I didn't memorize those verses or know their context. I've just read them before and they sound like they fit here. I'll sign off with this thought...
Faith comes from God. But to approach God, one needs faith. What's the answer to this chicken-and-egg situation? I don't know, and don't tell me if you do, because there's no one magic way to interact with God. Just as I speak to everyone a little differently, God will speak with everyone a little differently. No church or fellowship can truly hand you an answer. To be a Christian, you must be a Christ follower. Everything else...the seat saving, the door opening, the fellowship parties, the Bible studies, the prayer meetings...have no meaning until you understand that. Do tell me if you're there...because every Christian is instrumental to bring the "Christians" to Christ.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
- Matthew 7:21 (NIV)