Friday, November 05, 2010

A bit closer to the other side

I am more and more a grad student. This is how I know.

PHD (Piled Higher and Deeper) Comics
Link here. I've always like xkcd, with its Math/CS references and amusing stories and thought experiments. I used to read Dilbert, during my co-op days. Now it's been PHD. You know it's bad when you relate more to PHD comics than Dilbert.

I proctored two midterms. The closest word I can use to describe my proctoring experiences is "jailer". I walk up and down the exam room, trying to look intimidating. Glaring at students when they make too much noise and walk them to the bathroom. In 1.5 hours, they'll be gone, worried about the next exam. I still need to supervise another exam. There was a line that kept on running through my mind:

"You see? I will end up living in prison longer than you." - The governor/jail keeper, to Pu Yi, when he's being released from jail (The Last Emperor, 1987)

Hockey stars and...professors?
Friends of mine are getting published. Whew. I was looking around at related works and saw a name I recognized from a previous paper, a fairly big name in motion detection/motion segmentation research. I got excited, before catching myself. Perhaps the average person isn't excited by famous researchers as they would a hockey player.


Rosanne said...

Jon Lin used Leer!

.. It's super effective!!!

hahaha just kidding! Is proctoring boring, then?

And yo, recognizing names in published papers is cool :D Published people own hockey players in my book, hands down.

jlin said...

Not sure how effective Leer is. But if little pokemons like ratatta can use leer successfully...

And yeah. proctoring is pretty dry. You basically do nothing for 1.5 hrs.

choifish said...

xkcd, The Last Emperor... good shit.
Grad school sounds half decent, here.

And brain stars trump hockey stars any day in my books. Physical coordination and athletic stamina are so overrated. ;)