Saturday, May 03, 2008

Week report, Toronto

I've officially been in Toronto for a bit over a week now. All the paperwork at work is finally done, and I'm now an official employee of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Alot of random running in the first few days (In fact...I was at the NTCBC building four times in my first two days in Toronto...wasn't bad. I saw a few people from Calgary too, so that was rather amusing.

Face in the sea of faces
Once thing I noticed is feels so much easier to "get lost in the crowd" here. Not that I always saw people I'm familiar with when I was in Waterloo, but I suppose the fact that there is simply more people here, in Toronto. I think that's why little acts of kindness stand out so much.

I was getting on this TTC bus...since it was the first time I was taking Bayview North, I asked the bus driver if this was the bus I wanted...he said it was, so I sat down, and promptly fell asleep. Shortly before Bayview Village (I told the bus driver I needed groceries, so was going to Loblaws), he woke me up (in between comments of how bad some Toronto drivers are -_-), then drove me to the closest entrance to Loblaws, even though everyone else got off and the driver's route technically ended 3 or 4 stops back. I suppose it's little acts like that ... keeps the city from feeling just like a sea of faces.

So apparently I acquired the nickname of "Grasshopper" from NTCBC's Josiah (University) fellowship, due to my noob-ness at sushi rolling (hey...just cuz it was triangular...). I'm mildly amused at the fact that my list of names seems to grow, whereever I go. I suppose, for the sake of straightforward communication, me having such a common name =P.

Toronto "to visit" sites...
And so one of my housemate composed a "to visit" list for me when I'm in Toronto. Among it includes the Science Centre and the Toronto Zoo, as well as the habourside downtown. The weather is getting nicer. Maybe I'll rollerblade around one of these weekends...


Anonymous said...

science centre is not that great. Zoo is pretty good though. Lets meet up when I get back from HK. lol grasshopper... i can soooooo see that.


Anonymous said...

i official promote you from peon to grasshopper then.

Anonymous said...

hah TnT is on your list??
Sounds like you're having a good time in TO so far =)