Monday, June 16, 2008

Random rambling on relationships

I found it amusing that in the post CCF time period, I've got two different people came up to me, telling me exactly the same one thing: "I got over it!" I laughed. This world seems to be obsessive with relationship and its many issues. I turn on the radio and you hear love songs. I stand at the bus stop and I read about dating ads. I'm on the subway and there's a poster about The list goes on. People spent countless amount of time trying to figure this out. The latest gossip, the hottest news...all seems to be connected to the stories of who just broke up with who.

This is simply by design. God saw fit to create Eve and thus Adam did not have to labour alone. God totally could've made humans produce asexually. We'd end up with a species of engineers. That can't be that bad, can it...? (another discussion, another time). So as something that was meant to be fulfilled, no wonder people are so focused on it. And as with all things good, we find ways to perverse it all. Arin't humans just so cool?

So what exactly am I trying to say? As I think about current relationship status of the people around me right now...I know a couple that just had a kid (Timothy Lee, son of Jackson and Rebecca Lee). Another couple that just got engaged (Joseph Wong and Emily Law). A few weddings coming up (Dawn Chu and Jonathan Hensen; Enoch Tang and Shirley Yip). A couple that just got married (Joanie Tang and Dave Chin). A few more that I'm just waiting for the proposal (Vanessa Li and her big shiny rock... =P...I mean Alexis Kwong). A few people that just started dating. A few that broke up. Don't know anyone who just started liking someone...there is a few people who's trying to get over someone. And as I opened this entry with, a few others who just got over them.

Relationship issues is always a big deal. But it's not the end of the world either. I'm not a believer in that there is only one person for you out there, but I do realize that God's got you sitting somewhere on His massive hands. I figure, if He'd bother chisel me from birth and know my name before my parents did, if He'd bother to led me though failures and successes, He'd do something about this marriage business that is all the rage these days. God created the concept of the family. I think we can trust Him to know what He's doing.


Bily said...

mmm trusay. "This is simpy by design." and everything else u said.

I just had a conversation with my roomie about relationships a week ago. same thing: society and Christian circles sometimes are overcrazed with romantic relationships. evaluating each other, gossiping, complimenting, disapproving. we alls gotta chillax.

at the same time. when you meet her. better be on the ball, in the game, take prayerful, manful action.

booya - i just used the word manful!

theresa :) said...

good post! and i like that word.. manful haha.

ps. it was JOANIE tang and dave chin that just got married :P

jlin said...

Manful: Haaa...I need more Stephen Chow movie movies -_-

Couples: I didn't know the couple. All I heard is them being refered to =P. Anyway, I updated it. Thanks tsa.