Sunday, June 28, 2009


I look at myself and where I said I want to be. The goals and visions I've sat out for myself. Once in a while, I'd ask myself where I am and where I'm going. I don't reflect often enough, but once in a while.

I try to ask questions, and encourage others to do the same. When people present their ideas, goals and dreams, I ask them questions. I take the situation apart. I try to understand things and where people are coming from. I ask questions. Out of good intention, trying to see if they've got their angles covered. Sometimes they've got an answer, and I give them my best wishes. Sometimes they don't, and I inevitably break their model, and they have to return to the drawing board. I've encouraged ideas. I've destroyed dreams.

It's typically out of good intentions. But we all know where that leads. I wonder how much damage my tactlessness has done...I forget that not everyone likes it straightforward like I do...

Now I find myself asking...should I question, if I have no answers?

1 comment:

Mark Tse said...

I encourage you to continue asking questions even if you do not have an answer. Your questions are not to show you have answers, but to ensure the one being questioned is sure that what they are building will survive the fire (1 Corinthians 3:10-15).

On a lighter (but slightly relevant note):