Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pranking - CCF's current state of affairs

A few weeks back, Summer 09 CCF saw its first girls' sleepover. A majority of these girls went home to find their rooms to be several rolls of toilet paper richer, and a few balloons more fuller then when the left it. The rest of the girls were spared simply because the...instigators...were unable to obtain their keys. If memory serves, Elena, Jenn Wu and Clarissa all posted pictures on their Facebook. A random event I thought I mention.

A few weeks ago, I went into Toronto with the primary goal of visiting Vanessa Li, who's been going through some rough times. I figured, since I still have time early in the term, I might as well get out of Waterloo. Having already spent 3B, WKTRM5 and now 4A in Waterloo ( August, I'd be in Waterloo for 12 months...), I should take the opportunities to see the outside world when I can. Then she told me that her best de-stress method is shopping. I hesitated...I mean, I hear horror stories about shopping with girls. Perhaps I should pass...then she said that my wardrobe needs reworking. Something about me wearing a black dress shirt, black tie with black pants displeased her. So she decided that the best thing to do was to take me shopping for more colorful things. So I resisted twice as hard...I mean, I like my black, grey and white shirts.

After trying to defer attention of shopping to Alexis and other sources...and failing miserably, I caved and made plans to go shopping. Which consisted of 6 hours of walking around at Fairview. And Vanessa giving me a detailed breakdown of material quality, style and pricing at various stories, as well as the shopping habits of some people I know. Kind of interesting, Except for the parts where we went into stores, Vanessa taking a bunch of colored clothing (and glaring at me whenever I gravitated towards something that was more my style...), and instructing me to try it on. I've never seen neon teal...till the day I had to try it on. Anyways -_-. I ended up picked up 5 shirts for 60$. Not too bad. Can't complain. I'm now 4 colors (red, blue, green and orange, for people keeping track) more richer then I was at the start of the weekend. Yay. After promising Vanessa that I will indeed wear the clothing that I bought, I went home.

The next day, I, as promised, wore one of the shirts. It being a cold day, I also slipped on a black (I only own black hoodies. haha) hoodie (now the only black upperbody clothing in my possession), and set off for class. When I came back, I was a little surprised to find a pair of shorts on my table. I looked around my room, but didn't notice anything...decided to set aside the shorts and ask my housemates when I see them. Within the hour, I got a phone call. It was a girl in CCF. For some reason, she felt the urge to call me and ask me if I noticed anything different about my room. Now I'm worried. "Wait...what do you know about my room?!" "...nothing. Forget I called. Bye!"

Totally wierded out, I went back and looked around my room with more attention. My pile of clothing on my bed is gone. Then my closet caught my eye. Wait. I didn't have this much color...I started flipping through my closet. Hmm. I seemed to gained alot more colored clothing. Furthermore...all my black, white, grey and brown shirts were gone. I stared in did this happen?! I already went and got colorful stuff...

Over the next few days, I managed to piece together some information. Apparently there was an email thread out there that planned this. Someone had access to my schedule (which isn't that difficult, I suppose, considering the ECE schedule is published publically). Was quick and efficient. Allison claimed credit for coming up with the idea (but then, she's been saying that she'll do it for years now -_-). As for now, my monotone wardrobe is still a bit more colored then it once was. I'll find my clothes again some day...

It's kind of a wierd occurrence. On one hand, it technically is a prank. But I can't really complain, considering I sort of benefited from the situation. Very mixed feelings about this state of events. The other day, a bunch of us (ie ~14 people in 2 cars) went to lunch. They took a "colourful clothing" picture. Felt rather strange to be included as part of that.

And apparently, I'm just the first of a series of retaliatory pranks. I guess CCF is slowly bringing pranking back. Ha...


Mark Tse said...

Retaliatory pranks eh?

Implying you were involved in the sleepover one? =P

Elena said...

oh lin lin spilled his involvement early on.

colour is your friend. stop being so afraid.

Anonymous said...

haha... I really enjoyed reading of your shopping excursion with Vanessa.

Jocelyn =) said...

Jon Lin!!

Ha, stumbled upon ur blog here. The prank the girls pulled on you was funnnny...I only wish I was part of the pranking too. Haha!

Did you ever get your old clothes back? =p

jlin said...

As of June 29, I still don't have my shirts back. Haaa. Time to start asking...

jlin said...

I suppose I should update this. I got all my cloth back. Though, I guess since it feels natural to wear color now... -_-