Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Random - relationships (general)

What is this world about? There’s a very commonly used quote... No man is an island. Indeed. Everything we do is about relations. Relations with family. With friends. With classmates. With co-workers. Even here, as I sit in front of my computer, half-effortly reading my PDEng book (tempted to write a entry on why PDEng suck, but that’s not insightful, so I won’t ><)...I’m interacting with people. With CCF friends and a classmate on MSN. People’s blogs. Email waiting to be read. Even the songs I’m listening to (just heard one of the grad’s audio clips. lol)... so even sitting here by myself, I’m drenched in the amount of relations I’m connected to...

Just last Friday at CCF, we had a massive prayer event. One of the things we prayed about was people of the campus. I have been told that Christians carry themselves a bit...differently from other people. We have all these stereotypes associated to our names. When I step out of line, I sometimes even have my non-Christian friends question my behavior, even though if someone else did it, no questions would be asked. We consistently forget the other people are watching. Though all these relationship and links, we are watched. By friends and family. Classmates and co-workers. And so we can’t let our guards down. Often we lead by example. Are you a Christian that you would like to follow?

On a slight sidenote...PT said something that stuck in my mind for a while...Growth of a church shouldn’t be measured by the size it actually is...but by the percentage of the people serving in it. Most churches don’t exceed 10%. Then he laid down a challenge...for a 50% church. People of CCF, what do you think? Possible?

Reference: Pastor Timothy Wai, of KWCAC

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