Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Deepthinker - Reflection on reflections...

Seems kind of weird, a reflection on someone else’s reflection, but something about Vanessa’s entry... well. Her posting can be found at here

Lesson #1: I think, it’s fairly straight forward. Too often we get caught up in our own situations (final exams is a memory still relatively fresh...), and end up really focused and worried about them. I think, it’s really easy to be tempted to just skip the prayer meetings and continue on cramming. But where does our life focus around then? Definitely, we’re breaking a few rules...

“You shall not make for yourself an idol...” – Exodus 20.4-5

It took me a while to realize that idols don’t necessary have to be a physical form. Money is a commonly quoted one. But I’m beginning to realize, so can marks. It’s not easy to stop and refocus when we’re strapped for time or trying to learn a course in a few hours (*cough cough*), but we need to keep each other accountable. For some reason, I’m reminded of that verse in Proverbs...(can’t find it...the verse about how iron sharpens iron, so man must sharpen man)...so keep each other strong in prayer, every step of it...

Lesson #2: As someone who is not as acquainted with the Word, I can’t really comment about how important it is. Instead I’ll talk about her last few sentences for that part...

Scripture (I’ll roughly equivalant it to prayer, since I’m not much for quoting the Word)...It is easy to take in good times and nod, telling ourselves we earned it (Once again, another reference to post-exam break). Comparing the amount of times I’ve lifted things back up to God during exam session (for those of you who has seen me panic after PHYS125 and ECE100...) and the break afterwards, I think illustrates the point very nicely.

That's pretty much it. The last 3 lessons of hers I can't relate. Though that's how we advance, no? Though the knowledge that we gain through each other. We benefit from each other's mistakes, trials and wisdom. There are many things we have to do ourselves...but many we must do with others. Growth and learning just happen to be one of them.

(I think, there’s a sense of incoherence behind my blogs...ha...)

Reference: Vanessa Li, Eric Cheng, Lue Lau

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