Monday, August 21, 2006

Woman > Man?

Now that KWCAC's VBS has ended, I had a bit of time to reflect on what I've learned over the week. I think the most profound and benefitting lesson I've gained is... never get a man to do a woman's job.

No seriously. I got seriously owned on two occasions this weekend (I'm sure there was more cases, but these two are the only ones I remember):

1. Candy wrapping. The cellophane was fine. Afterall, we can scrunch up cellophane and it'd still be okay. However...when we ran out of cellophane... the wrapping paper trial known only as "prototype" didn't fare so well. It quite literally look like a scrunched up piece of paper, and attempts to do it "present" style failed cuz Wallace, Bryan and myself (two engineers and a ex-physicist) can't wrap worth beans. We would be saved by plastic baggies that we found at Zehrs. What we could've done was consult a girl. I was talking to Joanna later on, and yeah. She could've used wrapping paper and still made it pretty. We got owned. Conclusion? We really need PT's Life Skills lessons...

2. Powerpoint. So I spend the better part of the day messing around with the VBS slideshow, and was feeling fairly satisfied with what I ended up with. Not good, but not overly crappy, considering the intent is to put on as much pictures as possible. Then Irena handed me her part. No wonder she spent two hours on it...her three slides simply blew away my 40+. With all the fancy angling, slide/picture transitions, Photoshop, and get this: sound effects. She had sound I am, an university engineering student, got pwned by little...I dunno. 14 year old girl?

The only concrete conclusion I can draw is that I don't have enough artistic inclination to fill a egg cup. I'm sure I can do all sorts of analysis on this, but I'll leave that to the amusement of the females reading this. Will return to typical Jon reflections on next entry. Hmm...technically this could count as random reflections...

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