Saturday, March 22, 2008

A life of what-ifs

They say hind-sight is 20-20. It always feels as if there is something more than can be done. What if I did/didn't take up some task? What if I didn't insist we work there? What if I got out of bed earlier? What if I just came up with the right things to say? What if I just said hi to that newcomer? What if I just made that phone call?

When it comes to regrets like this, I think there's really only two ways you can deal with it. Either you truck through it, and just forget about all the what-if cases...or you dwell on it, and try to fix it after the fact. One could take every oppotunity that comes up...but doesn't that just open one self to another set of regrets? What if I hadn't done that?

We talk about the prompting of the Spirit. We talk about testing each thought, to see if each desire is in alignment with what we know about God. We talk about how God is so big, that even within His will, there is choice. Believing anything less is a lack of faith. Having said the whole "what-if" thought experiments a sign of lack of faith?

Theres always so much things to say. Yet nothing to say, at all. The shallow conversations we have with people we don't see often, because that "hi" is just a courtesy. The silent lunches with the people we see often, because there's nothing more to be talked about. The quick waves of greetings, because we don't have time to sit down and talk these days.

What if I had just ask a meaningful question? There's always more to be talked about. What happened to all my questions? Have I somehow lost it all in the routine and busyness of life? There's so much more opportunities to talk...yet we talk less and less. Where's the logic in that?

Another set of random ramblings in a quiet Saturday afternoon. It's almost April...why is it still so cold?


Unknown said...

pdg. echoing some thoughts I've had this term.

and so we wonder. and then wonder not. because there could be more. but what is will be was.


Unknown said...

funny, just noticed ur blog name is "Echoes" =p

theresa :) said...

i think when it's really the Spirit.. there's no need for what-ifs. because it gives you the confidence to KNOW.

oh i love that saying.. hindsight is 20/20 :)