Thursday, December 11, 2008


So I was sitting in the SLC the other day, trying to get in some good time for my Circuits course. The SLC was noiser than the usual mouse clicking and paper rustling; there was a group of brown people that were talking rather loudly. A few of us had to go tell them to keep it down, and eventually they left; the whole time, I was thinking...those inconsiderate brown people! Don't they know this is the QUIET study room? Sheesh...

I then started thinking about all the times CCF people caused a disturbance...well. We always try to keep it outside, right? We're better than these people...random crowds of Chinese sure, we have a tendency to stand at the most crowded places possible and laugh uncontrollably, but...we're rather considerate people, right?

The stereotypical Christian. Why do we have such bad image with non-Christian people? Among my non-Christian friends, I've had to reassure some of them that I'm not trying to convert them with my every move, and I try my best to live a non-hypocritical life. I tell them, just because they've had bad experiences with Christians before, it doesn't mean we're ALL like that. Some of us are trying to live the life we're call to...really. But when I try to work with people, the barriers raised by the people before me are things I must overcome.

Recalling that, I began to think about my brown friends and classmates. Some of them are rather nice people. They're considerate. They're respectful. They're cool people. But our readilness to clump people in categories and overgeneralize a few bad example to the larger public was a bit alarming.

I guess I'm just as quick to judge as everyone else.

1 comment:

theresa :) said...

great observation. i hate generalizations too.. altho i admit i still do it sometimes. it's always good to look at things from another's perspective!