Thursday, June 15, 2006

CCF Grad 06 - Disjunctioned Reflections

Exodus 4 - Moses of the Levites
"'Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since thou hast spoken to Thy servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.'" - Verse 10

Moses is quite a character. Against odds, he survived the Pharaoh's purging of his generation. He escaped again after his run-in with the Egyptian. Now, he has just witnessed the burning bush and walked on holy grounds. God is calling him, and that was all he could say.

"And the Lord said to him, 'Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?'" - Verse 11

Yet those of you who's read this passage would know Moses still resists, and only agreed to return to Egypt when God allowed Aaron to help him speak. Familiar story, I know. It's a nice reminder of our own fragility, and how He reigns.

If this next part feels disjunctioned, it's cuz it is. This is the second day. Haa...

I've probably came closest I'd ever would to post-2005 CCF. I was conversing with a certain upper-year (that probably had a larger hand in all of this then I realize...)...

"how when [current CCF] gather, we're bring matches together...but when [the "other" fellowship...UWCCF of the old] gathered, you guys brought torches?"

Coming from Sr. Rock (no offense to Sr. Rock leadership of 2004 and 05), and seeing CCF, it was a leap. Seeing the old CCF, though pictures, grads' stories, videos, quotes...was a separation I never thought was possible. It was almost like... with each graduating year, they take with them not only the people...the wisdom...but the spirit...the flame that is CCF. But that can't be right. In their years, they had grads too. Yet in their time, I see another world. Another fellowship. I can't even find the proper words to describe it all...

It's coming together now. Passion. Apathy. Empathy. Spirit. Leadership. Friendship. Prayer. Worship. Studying. Unity. Sharing. Communication. Coordination. Fellowship.

How did we manage to lose that to the sands of time? How did we manage to lose the very essence of fellowship? Is it really us? The people? The apathy? I've realized...I was playing with static... then I discovered a battery, satisfied with the power it stored. Now, He has set before me, a thunderstorm. What a Burning Bush situation...

Why am I being called? Of all of them, why me? Have You really equiped me with enough? I've already walked though the Door, with the Key You've have granted me...Keep this torch burning, oh God of Heavens. I have heard Your calling. I will go, if You lead me.

"...the [CCF] community [was] very different. in terms of.. what we did together. our topics of conversation. we still did stupid things. but we did MANY serious things together as well. westcourt was different than it is now :D i hope to have it come back to this ccf. all of us upper years are praying that it does"

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