Monday, June 19, 2006

CCF Grads 06 - Legends be legends

It's interesting. Talking to grads, when they reflect on our position, in CCF and whatnot, none of the ones I talked to expressed any disgruntleness on where CCF is being taken. True, we have problems. True, our size is proving to be more of a burden than we first expected, but...

Often we dream for things we can't take. Can't possess. Something materialistic. Some state of mind. Some fitness condition. Some skills perhaps. Some team. Some knowledge. Since we don't have it, we guess at what it's really like. Preconceptions. Fragments of the past and present, ideas of others, from TV and whatnot... trying to imagine what it's really like. Often though, it's not it. The way I see it, wisdom comes in two forms. One is acquired wisdom, the other being inherent wisdom. Inherent wisdom is easy to see. Famous example. Solomon's prayer for the ability to govern his people. God gave it to him right there. Many of us though, have acquired wisdom. Not given to us directly, but through lessons...though life events...though the words of other people...

" In our Christian walk we shouldn't settle for someone else's story, someone else's testimony. Rather we should go to God and ask for our own story. So I encourage to go get your own testimony...the testimony that God has planned for you. "
-Eric Cheng

I've never understood that until this weekend. I always thought that was obvious. No two people are the same, right? But like I mentioned in my last post, I just thought that...if we can mimic what CCF had before, we can bring that all back. The unity. The free discussion. The community. Yet...that's not quite true, is it? Generation and culture gaps, even between the now grads and us first and second years, is a bit noticeable. We approach things differently. CCF is a very community-based organization. What points do we have anchoring each generation of CCF together? A handful of doctrines. A few mandates. One faith. But the people who implement these ideas are no different than us. Committee isn't some insane "super-Christian" elitists...they're students just like you and me! People are different, so CCF understand a different set of hands will be different too.

That is university. People coming and going, each bring with them their own set of ideas. The grads have a point though. It's great to borrow ideas from the see how they did try to learn from their mistakes, to take a glimpse of their successes... but... we can't live in the past. We are dealing with people. And people are not stationary in time. It's quite possible to achieve tighter community with the current CCF. Yes, we're like scattered matches. Yes, we're wandering aimlessly. Yes, it's all going to be difficult. But we have to take some steps. We have to recognize this...

True, matches isn't going to be enough to stand against tomorrow's winds. But if we focus...gather...stand together...we'll still reach somewhere. Before we try to burn down the campus...lets try to set CCF ablaze ...

By prayer? By all means, let us pray then.

Reference: Lue Lau, Lue's friend Jessica, Eric Cheng, Maureen Wu, Vanessa Li

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