Monday, June 05, 2006

Random - Hockey

Now that I've finished my PDEng resubmits, Module 4 AND Module 5 stuff, I feel the urge do some celebration. Well. At least something non-work related for a little bit. lol...

There's something interesting about sports. It's one thing seeing it on TV. It's another to see it in person. And a totally different thing when you're on the set...or the ring...or in the pool. That's how things are on the ice. I've been watching hockey ever since being a bandwagon jumper (oh come on. Who in Calgary wasn't?). I've watched a few random CCF practice and games...and now I'm a player on the team. Something about staring at the game from behind a helmet mesh that makes it all so...real...and yet surreal at the same time. In many aspects, hockey is just like serving (not to mention a whole lot of different things in life). How?

1. Hard work: trust me. Hockey is definately those things that looks easier when the pros do it. I have the bruises to prove it. If you don't put time into it, you'll get nothing out of it. "Practice makes perfect"? Not quite. But it definately helps. As an AV Technician, there are definately times when I felt totally lost (ie first encounter with KWCAC's 16 channel sound board) ... but things turned out okay at the end. I didn't make too much mistakes yesterday. lol.

2. Team work: breakaways and scoring doesn't happen that often. Assists and scoring does. Can you imagine a one-on-one hockey match? Some dude would have to play forward, defence and goalie all at the same time! "There's no I in team." (Yes, I realize these are two totally different ideas. -_-)

3. Passion: if you don't like it, you won't enjoy doing it. In sports where pain is unavoidable (well. at my skill level it is anyway) such as snowboarding or hockey, you'll often find that you're asking yourself why you'd put yourself though such a sport. (Need convincing? People in Calgary, go snowboard on COP when the hill is iced over. lol). Since this is fairly straightforward, I'll go onto my next point...

4. Equipment: Skates. Leg guard. Socks. Pants. "Protection". Chest guard. Helmet. Stick. Jersey. Tape (yes tape). Hitting the ice without these equipment is absurd. If you can't equip yourself, find some. Learn. Ask and learn. "Ask and you shall receive."

Ask yourself. Why do you do the things you do? Are you equiped? Are you a team player? Why not? If you're good at what you're doing, are you helping the ones that are not as good on your team? Do you know who they are? Or do you only "know" them?

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