Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random - Choir

Hmm. Three postings in one day. I think I've reached some sort of record here...

As I browse through random people (well. not really random. I know all these people)'s blogs, reading stories, trials, and thoughts, it really drove home the thoughts of last posting. I think, we sometime lose track of other people who walks the same road as you do when things are difficult. It's hard to keep in that in mind. Something experience has taught me over and over again...when you're down, it's hard to keep things in proper perspectives. Reading people's entires, reminded me of 1B exam session all over again, where everynight I HAD to lift it all back to Him...I'd have no way of passing if I didn't. And God provides...and I did way better then I thought I did... I've never felt closer to His presence, with the 10PM prayer meeting everyday, people dragging me out just to pray... made me put things into the order it was meant to be placed in. All was good.

Yet...when I was home in Calgary, or in Stratford for co-op...I lost that. PDEng is annoying, but not really a challenge. Now...it seems like once again I'm being challenged...in ways truly out of my control. Funny how it's easy to take things for granted till it's in danger of disappearing...

Reading other people's blogs, hearing other people's words, remind me though, that I'm not alone. Even if the events do happen...and it looks like it will...I still have my own duties. Even if they become more difficult... reminds me of a song from a long time ago.

Here I am Lord by Daniel Schutte

Maybe I'm being called. Maybe I'm needed. Pray that I will hear Him. Pray that I don't lose track. Of myself. Of my people.

...is it I Lord?

Reference: Jackal Ngai, Herman Lam, Doug Lam, Vanessa Li, Ada Wong, Karen Wong, Heidi Wu, Timothy Cheung, Jackson Lin, Auntie Boon

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