Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random - Bananna Nation

I was reading about bananas the other day. Did you know it's actually a member of the Herb family? Or that colour change ("bruising") to black is a defensive mechanism? Or that putting it in the fridge for three days will cause it to turn mushy? Okay, so the last fact is from personal experience, but it still tastes okay!

As a group of "Westernized" Chinese people, we often see things differently than "Eastern" Chinese people. I'm sure I don't have to list our hybridness... chances are, if you're reading this, you fall in this category. Because we're influenced like so, our point of views often are not understood by our parents, making families that are tight a bit more rare. So...are we a wall? Or a bridge?

It's not just culture. As a Chinese student in university, I find myself between many worlds. The east and the west. School and the real world. Family and friends. Future and past. Dream and reality. Christians and non-Christians.

Bridge or barrier? Is it pointless trivia? Are we going to change colour? Have you asked yourself why?

Post.Script. Yes I know I mis-spelt Banana. Random attribution to random people. lol.

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