Saturday, October 14, 2006

Second Law

Newton's Second Law of Motion: F = ma
I finally got a degree of understand of Schrodinger's equation yesterday. In case you don't happen to know any Quantum Mechanics, Schrodinger's equation basically said F = ma isn't good enough anymore. Think of it as the F = ma of particles and atomic sized stuff. It gives allowance to quantum tunneling, the ability for electrons to "disappear" and "reappear" somewhere else... funny how things look from another environment and perspectives.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: All reaction releases heat; no process is 100% efficient.
For some reason, I'm thinking of Moore's Law. You know. Every 24 month, the number of Integrated Circuits you can cram onto a given board is doubled. I read something we're approaching the theoretical limit of Moore's Law...things are so small, we can't just minimize things...cuz the effects of quantum mechanics will apply to things that small. It's like a exponential graph! Always some limit to things, even if we can't see it now...

"Real big men that go arg!" - Marianne Heppleston, UWCCF DL

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