Thursday, October 05, 2006

40 ms

Can't remember where I read it from...but 40 milliseconds is the amount of time between each "refresh". Yup. We as humans see the world in 40ms pictures. Cool random bio trivia.

The other day, in PSYCH101, Ennis was talking about Regression to the Mean. "The truly unusual day is when nothing unusual happens." Given the amount of people there are on this planet, the number of events that occur, statically speaking, people should be winning lotteries multiple times..."An event that happens to but one in 1 billion people every day occurs about 6 times a day..." -> Open Mind, but Skeptical Eye

Anyways. Been stacked with school and CCF stuff for the last bit. With midterms coming up...oy...but we had Frosh Cell again today... cooking night, at my place, random reportings from the night then...

- We crammed at least 16 people into a 4 people suite's kitchen/common area
- Because we didn't have enough bowls and other stuff, we ended up using various pots, rice cooker...rice holder pots..., Tupperware containers to hold things. A bowl to mash potato. A pan as a lid to a pot. Scissors to cut lettuce. A pot to mix concentrate juice. It's too bad myself, Josh or Betty didn't have cameras, or else it'd would've been awesome scene. lol. Not having measuring cups when we had to bake, to find out the oven was busted later on.
- Had to share about certain stories of mine...such as my strawberry milk/KD event...
- But on a more useful point, had to remind the froshes not to skip out on homework, to ask upperyears lots of questions, to balance out in things

Things are going alright I guess. Need more sleep ><

And inserting random stuff from the Mentor workshop: "Invest in the kids"...those of you slackers reading this, go do VBS. It's good.

And lastly, since it's released online...
UWCCF Lifesong, Fall 2006:

"Walking away from a past I can't return to, through a present I don't belong in, to a future that is hard to believe in"

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