Saturday, October 13, 2007


I've realized something. I'm not that crazy after all. I complain and I hear the same things over and over again. People complain and I have to tell them the same things over and over again. And what I say sounds awfully like the things other people tell me.

I was telling someone today...words solves no problems. It only gives you two things. Ideas. And comfort (via listening). Sometimes it would make someone's day. Sometimes it's totally useless. The value of it isn't in the speaker, but in the beholder.

EDIT - Furthering my thoughts. Now that I'm re-reading this, I realize it's not that coherent...ha. What I was trying to get at was...any problem that may be solved by words are done so by the ideas it sparks. But the ideas are interpreted by the listener, depending on that the words mean to the listener. If the words mean nothing, then the listener doesn't benefit from it. So maybe all this is a technicality and a convoluted way of saying nothing. But our surroundings seems to be filled with nothings these days. We just need to be more prefessicent at separating the nothings from the sometimes.

How hard should one hold onto to your ideals? When the enemy hits you at your core, what do you do? Of course, I know the textbook answers. But sometimes questions can't be answered by textbook answers. Sometimes it just doesn't apply. There isn't a cure-all or a skeleton key. I don't think God built a cure-all into the environment. True, there's no cure-all that I can whip out of my pocket...or say to anyone. But I serve One that that created the environment in the first place. That's gotta count for something.

I've got this bookmark, that a friend gave me for my baptismal, so long ago. Help me to remember, Lord, that nothing's gonna happen today that You and I can't handle together. When my faith is being pushed around and my foundation feels like it shaking from under me, help me remember that there is no I in team. But there is a m and an e.

1 comment:

pi said...

it's interesting that you take this stance..

sometimes I feel that the value is having someone willing to listen; even if they're just pretending..
or getting your thoughts out there

then again.. I am here reading your words =)