Thursday, October 11, 2007


So I was watching someone play the Matrix on Playstation the other day. (Never buy games made from movies. 99% of the time, it's really bad). The Matrix actually has alot of depth to it, but I've never really thought about it. But anyways. I was thinking...if I could be a character from the Matrix, who would it be? Of course, this required extensive research. After spending around an hour and half on Wikipedia, reading about the Matrix characters (haven't seen the last one yet), my initial opinion hasn't changed. Not surprisingly, I guess, I ended up choosing the one role that seems to reflect my self-proclaimed role the best: the Agent

The Agents in the Matrix only really has one main role: to keep order in the Matrix. Simple and straightforward. To carry out this duty, they are given superhuman strength. According to Morpheous in the first movie, they do a pretty good job of this too. That is, until Neo comes along. After all, all agents can do is bend the rules...they cannot break them. Yet, against the odds, they still fought on. They've gone through the whole cycle many, many times. They know about...the One.

I dunno. This entry sat on my desktop for a while, as I tried to figure out how I want to finish it. I could draw parallels between the Agent and our roles here, of how we are to relentlessly defend a world governed by our Superior. Or a total 180, in saying that Agents are not really all that intelligent, but they're still defending a world that is totally wrong. It goes to show the limitations of analogies.

The thing that is coming to mind is...when Agent Smith told Morpheous that he believes the human race is like a virus, mindlessly consuming resources, and thus must be destroyed...when he himself became a viral-like entity, consuming all in the Matrix. He became that which he hated, without even realizing it...

Can a person truly become complacent? As I reconnect with more and more of the people back here in Calgary, it seems like I'm able to pick up conversations from where I left off when I left two years ago. I didn't have to re-earn people's trust or anything. Perhaps the catching-up sessions that I'm getting used to in repeating is that "re-earning" stage. If so, then perhaps it's not possible to be complacent. You're either walking forwards...or sliding back.

1 comment:

pi said...

It is interesting that you have chosen the Agents.. especially
Agent Smith [I feel like Agent Smith is different amongst agents.. random other thought]

I would think that people in general are more like Morpheus...
I likely don't see all the side to your life the way you do..

but Morpheus spent his life looking for "The One"
- his actions follow the simple faith that I think all people have; believing in the One and living in hope of that..

you mention the rule bending - and it strikes me as interesting b/c as Christians it seems that the stance of knowing the rules, but knowing which ones can be bent and which can be broken makes more sense..
as in.. knowing we are free in Christ, but choosing to be bound by certain rules (ex: the eating of certain foods) -- since we know it affects other ppl.. [so Morpheus could be jumping buildings all the time, but it would mess up with the ppl who still needed to be saved to see that happening]

I think Morpheus is fallible too though - in that instance when they are back in the real world (gee you have to watch the 3rd movie!!); and he loses hope (and faith??) in the oracle's prediction of the One..
I think it demonstrates how people can lose their way for a bit [Peter's denial of Jesus 3x??]

as an aside.. I would disagree that the agents know about the cycle.
I don't think they are aware of the multiple cycles of the matrix.. or if they are - they aren't necessarily given the freedom of contemplation to use it to decide if they should continue to abide by the rules
I don't think anyone(within the matrix) knows except for the Oracle, Architect... and the Merovingian no one else alludes to knowing..

haha it interests me that you're thinking through the Matrix..
1 - cause I <3 the matrix
2 - .. I feel like this is one of those things I'd like to have a convo w/ you about - not to argue who is right or wrong; but I love hearing viewpoints about stuff like this... it doesn't necessarily go anywhere - but it's nice to think sometimes

I respect the fact you're thinking through ^____^
God bless + take care!