Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Alarm went off at 7am. Woke up at 7.30. Restless, tired, rolled into the shower. What's today? Sunday, right, I'm suppose to be at KWCAC. Shampoo. Soap. Toothpaste. Gel. Out the house. Freezing rain. Watched cars crash into snow banks. Watch them drive away. "Bus is cancelled", waiting for rides. Rode into KWCAC. Prayed during worship. Listened during sermon. Urg so loud. Turned him down. Not much better. Does he even need a mic?!

Went downstairs. Very small group. Reading week + church drama. Locals outnumber us? Wouldn't be surprised. Read PT's article in the general report. "So long and thanks for all the fish." Had a laugh. (Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, for those who don't get the reference). Went to sunday school. Felt like a lecture. I behaved as I do in lectures. Finished. Went to pho. Ate. Chat. Went home. Passed out hard.

Woke up. Read. Watched half a movie. Spontanous dinner party at Keat's way. Ate. Wii'ed. Settled. Banged. Haven't touched board games for a while. Was good. Went home. Finished the movie. Slept at 5am.

The entire day, 20 waking minutes did not elapse without some interaction between me and other Christians/Christianly material. I went to church. I chatted with fellow Christians. I read a Christian book. I prayed.

So why do I lie on my bed, wondering where God is in my life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I sensed a kind of restlessness in you then, and I shared in the same really. not the "i want to keep doing stuff" restless. but the "i am lacking rest" restless. I didn't feel right until personal prayer time, resting in God couple days ago. it's all good fun in social activities. but there isn't that ultimate fulfillment. hope ur getting good rest now.