Sunday, February 04, 2007

CCF - Looking Ahead

Could that be consider collision event? This method of catigorizing is starting to fail a bit...

Yesterday, I had the oppotunity to chat with three different people, all about S07's CCF...In the wee hours of the morning, we've decided we need to do something. At noon, I have a better idea of the things I need to do. By night, I more or less received a "GO!" order...I think over the day, I covered alot of territory, but not much seems to come to mind now, except for a few abstract thoughts and notions...

I've been wondering about this whole support network thing. It seems like such an important concept, but of the people I want to extend into, it seems so...not there. And they're getting along...fine-ish I it really necessary? Have I been yapping about an incorrect theory? Can't seem to figure out an answer for this one...

ACF plays intermural volleyball, similiar to how CCF has intermural hockey. One person was telling me that how she plays volleyball is how is she is in life; sometimes hesitant, but when she goes for it (doing something that she sees needs to be done), it all turns out alright. I guess I got thinking about hockey...watching ACF play is the closest thing I can get to team sports, so... I think the collectivist mentality is getting to me. It's probably an Asian thing...

I dunno. I've managed to draw lines between hockey and life as well. Like if you stop training, you lose all the muscles you've built. Or how scoring could be either skills or fluke. Or how I can't pass or recieve. Oyy...

Hundreds of thoughts. No words. Makes blogging a little difficult. I guess I'll end with a verse that's been on my mind lately...

I can do all things, through Him who gives me strength - Phil4.13 (Some hybrid mix between NIV and NKJV...)

Kind of looking forward to Summer term. Kind of not. Wondering...will we learn enough to stand when our time comes? our time now already, and we're doing nothing more but playing catch-up?

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