Saturday, July 07, 2007


Manga is good. I enjoy reading manga. lol. Nothing like good comics to relax...or take mind off things...or to submerge yourself in a different environment. Whenever we talk about anime, I'd typically drop a few titles that are among my favourites. When someone looks at me and ask me how a particular one first reaction typically is...

WHAT?! You haven't read FMA yet?! You want it?

lol. I suppose that's how some people are with music. Oh hey, I like that song. Yeah? I'll send it to you.

Why do we do that? Why is our first reaction to someone who hasn't been exposed to a really really good manga...or really cool songs...or funny YouTube videos...etc...why do we want to share it?

Deep down, we want to share our joys. I am blessed by good manga. Thus I share it, because I want others to be blessed by good manga. Someone was blessed with a good song. Thus he sends it to me when I requested it, because he wants me to be blessed with this good song too.

What about God? What about fellowship?

I was look at Acts 2 the first fellowship again. There is nothing about evangalism there. Nothing. The only indication that they grew was...was that the Lord added to their numbers daily.

I was reading this one article about how...God will pour abundently into your cup. But until it is full. Once it is gotta empty your cup before He'll pour more into it.

What if...we poured so much onto the fellowship that people can't help but to want to share it? They're blessed so much...

Haa. It's 3.20am. Thoughts arin't coming easily anymore. Just another idea, I guess.

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