Tuesday, July 03, 2007

V1I1 = V2I2

I'm a boy, let me blog about this. lol.

*spoilers about Transformers* !!

It's 3.59am. I just came back from watching Transformers with PT's crew. There wasn't any "oh snap" lines like there was in Three Hundred. The cheesy romance sequence they tried was distracting at best. The family sequence could've gone. lol. Maybe cuz I went mainly to see the robots and the action. XD

Biggest complaint? There was some shaky camera sequences. And some scenes definately went way too fast. If there was a way to slow it down to watch all the transformations and fight scenes in detail...it'd be soo pwnage...

lol. I did some M212 and E241 homework today. Two games of Settlers. Slept for a while. Chatted for a while. Transformers easily is the highlight of my day. lol.

It's worth your money. If you're a guy, you'd want to watch it. Sigh...if only there to slow some stuff down...the computer graphics was good stuff. Alright. That's enough Transformer plugging for a night. lol.

Amusingly, my first sustained conversation with a certain boy from Vancouver was on Transformers. Apparently he saw it a few hours before I did. lol.

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