Thursday, March 22, 2007

Quiet, gray day in London...

So I decided to eat lunch today at the University Hospital cafe. I made fried rice and wanted ketchup. UH cafe has ketchup. It's just so logical.

I think, being basked in this environment, has made me question and wonder once again. Wondering where I am from. Where I'm going. Who I was. Who I am. Who will I be. It's that whole now vs future thing. Biomedical Engineering was my compromise between an Engineer and a Doctor...

The way I see it, BME, as researchers, come up with stuff for the future. If their research doesn't work out, nothing comes out of it. But without these techniques, the doctors, as applied scientists, don't have anything to use. No fancy 9.4T MRIs. No real-time CT-scans. No isolation units for neo-natal newborn infants. No heart-lung machine for open-heart operations. It's a nice balance between the theory (sort of) and application. Actually, more like application to application, but anyways...

I dunno. Just so many people coming and going. Inpatients. Family of inpatients. Nurses from all different departments with different scrub colours. Doctors. Interns. Technicians. Students. Visitors. Volunteers. Secretaries. People talking about patient status. Of stories. Random socializing. Eating quietly.

Have you ever wished that...all the education and experiences you'll ever need just instantly be given to you? That you don't have to spend 5 years in undergrad, and another 1-8 years in higher studies. That you could instantly enter the field...and just start owning?

Daniel 3.16-27. Nebuchadnezzar throws Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Daniel's three friends, into the furnace for not worshipping his idols. When I was waiting for the bus this morning, it all the sudden started raining. When I got off the bus, exited the Natural Sciences building and was walking down the stairs towards Robarts, this story came to mind. Then the rain stopped. That was really wierd. Could be some crazy coincidence. Thought I mention it anyway.

I don't know where I'll be in 10 years. 5 years. Or even upon graduation. Just like I don't know what I'll be doing in CCF in a year. All I have is some vague dreams. Ideas. Goals.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." - Proverbs 16.9

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