Friday, January 12, 2007

Connect Up

Been in London for a little more than a week now. Work has been okay. Been kind of waiting for the next major event happens (ie ... I'll talk about it when that time comes) before my next posting, but the morning has been quiet (if you minus the car traffic and train that goes by). Been thinking about Waterloo...managed to put back together that projector (and it turns on, a nice bonus)

It's a little too easy to latch onto that mentality. I mean, things are so easy in CCF. Sure, there's so much pressure on big events like Lifesong (which, as far as I know, isn't really happening) and organizing stuff, but in day to day living...esp if you take the freshest event in mind (SLC crammage over finals)...interestingly, those time are the best community times. felt significantly different than W06 term...maybe its cuz W06 had alot of grads...and F06 just had alot of froshes...wonder where everyone in between went...

Alright. No tangents today. I think one thing I've always been trying to figure out does one measure growth? I don't mean like physical growth, I mean more like...spiritual growth. I hear the words "Grow closer to God" all the time... I mean...

When I'm reading (say...CS Lewis' Mere Christianity), I'm reading about a Person. When I'm reading the Bible, I'm reading what this Person has to say. When I pray and worship, I'm communicating towards this Person (hearing back however, is much more complicated...). I suppose a relationship with God shouldn't be that different than a relationship with any other person. how does two people get to know either other?

Communicating (prayer)? Having similar interests and doing similar activities (understanding His will)? Spending time together (devotions)? Knowing their history (readings, of Bible and Christian histories)? Hanging out with same group of friends (fellowship)?

Yet I can only cognitively take apart this thing so much. Surely this isn't the whole thing. Surely there's some fragment of the picture I'm missing. I wonder...

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