Friday, January 12, 2007

MHS - Sermon

Mars Hill Shoreline: Colossians 2.1-10 : Living In Jesus
Pastor Steve Tompkins (Sept 3, 2006)

"We were made to worship" by God
- Now. When we don't worship God...we end up seeking false idols...
- Source of idol? The self -> want control and have power parallel to Him
- Remember the Fall? Before the Fall, we were pointed upward. After that, it circled around back to us
- Today, instead of bowing to statues like Zeus and the things that he represented to the Greeks...we're bowing down directly to the, success...etc
- How focused are we on making the outside look clean? Looking good on the outside -> "...basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." (Col 2.8) -> "...dead, empty religion that looks good on the outside, but leaving the inner idols unchallenged..." and unless those idols are unchallenged, our natural tendency is to worship it
- Can't be satisifed with this hollow shell..
- Need aid
- The role of the community (Romans 15)
- Ecc 5
- Strength one person suffers from a unique problem. Someone out there, people can relate. Somewhere out there, someone shares your pain.
- Using the Word? No idea how to do that personally.
- Appeals of appear perfect? Is that really necessary? Who is perfect?

Not I.


Hmm. It wouls appear that I didn't finish those sermon notes. Can't remember where I was going with it...compiled some time last term when I couldn't get up in time for KWCAC. Hmm...

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