Saturday, April 07, 2007

Arrogance and Ignorance

So I randomly got called out to bowl. It was spontanously. I got owned hard. Sometime after my first frame I stopped caring. Stupid pride...but began thinking of other stuff instead...

I remember watching this bowling movie once. There was this big shot jock who got assigned to the bowling club, because of some big competition. When he first met the club, he told them he'll easily bowl 100 points, at which he got laughed at (300 is max score in bowling). Arrogant dude got owned good. But it's a kid movie, so of course, the club owned the even more arrogant opponent. Arrogance is bad.

I was woken up by my radio alarm clock today. There was some Christian kid radio show going. Basically had to do with reading the Bible in context. Taking things out of context can be very, very bad. Know the context, even if they look the same as today. Ignorance is bad.

I feel like I only really did two things today. Both of them had some element of these two flaws laced into them.'s been a tiring day. Even though I really didn't do anything. I sometimes really wonder...even though I know I should get used to "fire and forget" projects...does it even matter? I do other people do it? How do they just keep tanking on? Sigh...

--end random midnight rant--

1 comment:

pi said...

you forget..
there was a 3rd thing today
you realized your flaws...
and hopefully you have brought them before the Lord with a desire to change. and that's good too

I think that rest is important...
I've read.. 3 pages from "Sit, Walk, Stand" [Enoch's book - errr I've had it for a while hehehe ^_^;;] - but int those 3 pages, it talks about how humans were created on the 6th day, and how that means we were brought into the world to rest first (vs. God who created things for the first 6 days, then took a day of rest) Consider taking rest. Rejoice in the privilege and opportunity to rest. Rest in the Lord.

haha that and.. don't lose sight of the forest for the trees, but don't get so caught up on the overwhelmingness of the big picture either. (always one of those 'balance' issues ;) )

=) I don't know if this helps.. but if you are a tank.. God is your armour plating, and your driver. He's your tactics, ops, and helm. He's your amunition, your maintenance worker, your navigator, and your radio expert.
He is your all in all. I know it will work out well for you; Keep on hard after Him.