Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Me? Smile? Ha...

So Jenny lost her keys (which she later found at Taylor) and so I had to pull out my pockets to prove I actually really didn't take them -_- Among the items in my pocket was this bubble blowing ring thing that Andrea gave us on the last ACF Small Group meeting of the term. I dunno. It was kind of funny...I just stared a this little plastic ring. Picturing myself massively blowing it on my last day in London...

I remember, before heading into London, I was chatting in SLC with Herman. He was heading into Montreal and was sharing his worries. I was heading into London and sharing my worries. Even though my reasons for selecting London was probably not all the best...he said that even so, God will make something of it. I kind of just shrugged it off...

Today, I heard something I thought I'd never hear. Apparently I smile all the time. lol. Jon Lin, smiling? Never saw that one coming. I mean, we're talking about the same guy who choose not to smile for my gr 12 school ID cuz I thought that wasn't cool. lol. But then I realized...It's not because of anything I've done that I'm here. It's His presence in ACF that made it all so. Perhaps the closest to all this was when I was in 1B, when I was frosh and got pampered by the grads. It was great. But this is a different type of joy, I guess. And the knowledge that God was able to make my skeptical eyes see so much in the handful (okay...not handful...ACF's larger than CCF...) of people I had the honour of sharing my last 3 month here...

Prayer meeting. It's always a little interesting hearing other people pray for me. I couldn't help but smile when I got handed the task of bringing back ACF to CCF, especially since I went sent out of CCF as a spy to steal ACF secrets. lol. I dunno how much I've actually learned...and how much I can bring back...lol...I suppose, trying not to think of the magnitude of the tasks ahead of me...just enjoying my time here, before I head back into the battle...

Dang. I'll miss this place. I'll miss the people, wherever they go.
Hmm. Sappy. I guess I'd need to get it all out before I start my term reflections...

"The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." - Deuteronomy 31.8

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